The Shanghai No. i Intermediate People's Court publicly appear an appeal for a Bitcoin strange property harm compensation dispute on May 6, according to Baidu news.

The 2nd Court trial's findings indicated that Bitcoin is a digital asset and should be protected by the law. All Bitcoin obtained through illegal means should be returned or compensated at a disbelieve, says the local news.

All started with a robbery

According to the report, an international married couple in Shanghai, Pete and Xiaoli Wang, were robbed at their apartment by four people in 2022. The robbers forced the couple to transfer their crypto currencies to the attacker's accounts. The reporter said:

"These four used methods of decision-making the couple's mobile phones, restricting their liberty, beating and threatening them and forcing the two to transfer all the 18.88 bitcoins and 6466 sky coins they own."

During the offset courtroom hearing, the group of 4 expressed their willingness to return the Bitcoin and Skycoin obtained from Pete and Xiaoli Wang. The court sentenced the robbers to betwixt vi months and 15 days to eight months of imprisonment for the criminal offense of illegal detention.

The court also decided if the guilty parties were unable to return the same cryptocurrency, they should instead return local currency valued at the same price every bit BTC and Skycoin on June 12, 2022.

Non off the claw that like shooting fish in a barrel

However, the four refused to have the conclusion. They appealed the ruling, saying that:

"The electric current Chinese laws practise not recognize the property attributes of Bitcoin and Skycoin, and do not regard Bitcoin and Skycoin as objects or property in the legal sense of Prc. Therefore, Pete and Wang Xiaoli do not have the right to request the return of property rights."

Afterward near ii years of fighting in court, the couple somewhen gave upwardly on getting their Skycoin back. They continued to insist, however, that the court order the return of their Bitcoin. The court did eventually society the four robbers to render the couple's eighteen.88 BTC.

Every bit Cointelegraph reported previously, similar disputes take occurred in China in the by. The Chinese court in Hangzhou made the aforementioned decision, recognizing Bitcoin equally virtual property.