
Does Android Have A Stock Mail Native App

best email apps for android

Email is one of the oldest and most important forms of online communication. It's a service many of us use every single day. There are tons of email services and email apps that accompany them. Some may only have a single account on something like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo. Their individual apps will give you the best experience. However, most people have email apps from multiple providers and want something that can aggregate it all into one spot. If you're looking for something new, here are the best email apps for Android! The later half of the decade was rough for email clients, as some of the best (such as Inbox by Gmail and Astro) went down in flames. We will miss them greatly.

We'd also like to give an honorable mention to Hey (Google Play link). It's really interesting and entertaining email app, but it gives you a new email address and is really expensive so it's difficult to put it on the list. It has some decent features, though, so check it out if you want another option.

Blue Mail is one of the most popular email apps out there. It supports a variety of clients, including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Office 365, and virtually any other POP3, IMAP, or Exchange clients. The app has a variety of notification settings for each one of your email accounts and also comes with some fun stuff like Android Wear support, configurable menus, and even a dark theme. It also has some smart features if you want them. It's powerful and it's completely free. There is a potential privacy issue since Blue Mail uses its own servers, but most likely won't mind.

Blue Mail screenshot for the best email apps list

Cleanfox isn't an email client, but it's a useful app for email users. It basically helps you unsubscribe from the likely large number of things you somehow ended up subscribed to. You connect your email accounts to the app and it runs through and finds all of your subscriptions. It then unsubscribes you from them if you want it to. It can also delete old emails from those subscriptions and help you manage things in other ways. It's a free app and it's honestly not difficult to use at all. Most of the complaints are regarding bugs and bugs do exist, but Cleanfox does what it can and it does work for most.

Cleanfox screenshot 2021

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Gmail is a bit of a cheap pick for email apps. It comes pre-installed on most Android devices. Thus, you probably already have it. The app supports multiple inbox settings, multiple accounts, and more. It supports most email services as well, including Yahoo, Microsoft Outlook, and others. It also supports a unified inbox, Material Design, and more. The team also added a bunch of Inbox by Google features before that client was taken down. It's an excellent option for most folks.

Gmail - best email apps

K-9 Mail is one of the oldest email apps out there. Many enjoy it for its minimal interface, no BS experience, and unified inbox. It supports most IMAP, POP3, and Exchange 2003/2007 accounts. Otherwise, what you see is pretty much what you get. The UI isn't overly inspiring, but it makes up for it by not having any quirky features that only half work. This is old school and reliable. The app is also open source. You can build it yourself or contribute to the community via Github. It's definitely not flashy. However, it is functional and lightweight. It's also completely free.

K-9 Mail - best email apps


Price: Free / $9.99-$14.99

Nine is one of the better email apps out there if you're concerned about security and also use Outlook. It boasts no server or cloud features whatsoever. The app just connects you to the email services. On top of that, it has support for Exchange ActiveSync which is to be expected for any app that boasts Exchange support. You have a variety of options, including selecting which folders you want to sync, Wear OS support, and more. It's rather expensive as far as email clients goes and there are a few bugs here and there. However, definitely geared more toward business users.

Nine - best email apps 2018

Newton Mail has a complicated past. It was CloudMagic, re-branded to Newton Mail, died, and was brought back by Essential (the phone maker). It stands as one of the best email apps on the list. The app has a clean, one of the best and cleanest UIs along with a slew of little goodies. That includes email snoozing, two-factor authentication, the ability to send emails later, read receipts, and one-click unsubscribe features. You can also connect a host of other apps in for better integration. Don't get us wrong, this is way too expensive for basic email consumption. However, apps like this have a niche and Newton is among the best in that niche. Newton Mail was set to shut down on April 30th, 2020, but it seems as though they found a way to keep the doors open.

ProtonMail is a great email client for security-minded folks. The app boasts end-to-end email encryption. That basically means the only two people who can read your emails are you and the person you're emailing. The app also boasts OpenPGP support, self-destructing emails (where supported), and most of the typical stuff like labels and organization features. This one does store emails on a server. However, that server is completely encrypted and no one can read them, not even ProtonMail. Many of the features require a ProtonMail account, but this is about as good as it gets in terms of security unless you set up your own server.

ProtonMail screenshot 2021

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Spark Email is the new kid on the block, so to speak. It launched in early 2019 to positive reviews. It has a lot of the basics, including email snoozing, sending emails later, reminders, pinned emails, and you can undo sent mail. Additionally, the UI is clean and you can view each email address separately or together in a universal inbox. We're big fans of universal inboxes around here. The app's big claim to fame is its Smart Inbox that filters out trash email in favor of only the important stuff. It's a neat feature, but even without it, Spark is an excellent email client with support for most email addresses.

Spark Email screenshot

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

TypeApp Email

Price: Free / Up to $6.99

TypeApp Email is a fairly run-of-the-mill email client. It does all of the stuff you would expect. That includes support for most email services, a unified inbox, push notifications, rich text emails, wireless printing support, and some other useful features as well. You also get Wear OS support, a dark mode, themes, and other customization features. It certainly won't blow your mind. However, it's a good, simple email app that does what it says it does. We also liked the Material Design UI in our testing and the relatively simple method of switching accounts. It reminds us a lot of Blue Mail in terms of its UI. In any case, it's good, it's just not exciting.

TypeApp screenshot for the best email apps list

Individual clients like Outlook

Price: Free (usually)

The thing is that most third party email apps work just fine. However, there is an advantage to just using the individual app for your email service. We listed Gmail above because it comes pre-installed on most devices anyway. However, others like Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo Mail don't. They hook directly into the service and can do things that third party clients simply can't. For instance, Outlook has a Focused Inbox feature that sorts emails based on importance. It also integrates directly with Microsoft's calendar service. Yahoo Mail includes features like Travel View, more granular notification options, and theming. If you have only one email and it's not a Gmail account, you may want to consider using the official app so you can get the most out of it.

Microsoft Outlook screenshot 2021

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Bonus: OEM stock email apps

Price: Free (usually)

The stock email apps that come on phones actually do work pretty well. They usually support the basics, like multiple email logins, various email clients, forwarding, archiving, deletion, and more. Many are likely on this list looking for something more than that. However, the stock email apps on your device are usually about as simple, clean, and easy as it gets. Additionally, virtually none of them have ads, cost any money, or anything like that. Plus, they're already on your phone anyway so they can't take up any extra storage. It's a good option if you need something super simple. Those who need power user features shouldn't use these.

Samsung Email screenshot 2020

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Does Android Have A Stock Mail Native App


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